Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Crazy Beaver...

Apparently, the bath salt cannibalism epidemic has spread to the mysterious world of beaver.  In Spotsylvania County, Virginia, a beaver has attacked two young girls. Click here for the full story.

Such a savage attack has gotten the Dry Fly thinking about his favorite north-woods critter, the beaver.  Now, you may not realize that Dry Fly is a BIG fan of beaver.  See below for some beaver related pictures.  I have attended a Beaver Bonanza on, of all places, Beaver Island, Michigan. Beaver Island, Michigan is the largest island in Lake Michigan and sits just off of Little Traverse Bay.  Click here to see a video called "I Dream of the Beaver", er, "I Dream of the Island."  Really though, isn't my title a bit more catchy?

If you've never been to Beaver Island, it's worth a trip.  The Beaver is pretty big and you can't always explore it fully in one day.  A few nights really digging into the Beaver is best to get a feel for how warm and inviting it can be.  The Beaver has a hairy history, but things are less hairy on the Beaver now.  Mormons invaded the Beaver years ago and some clown named Strang declared himself King of the Beaver Mormons.  That didn't last long, thankfully.

As for the weather, the Beaver can be dry and it can be wet.  Regardless, one can usually find a moist spot on the Beaver because it is surrounded by Lake Michigan.

When one visits the Beaver, drinking is the name of the game.  They call the place the Emerald Isle of the US due to the large amount of Irish immigrants who came to the island and the disproportionate number of Irish pubs located around the island.  The Beaver is pretty cheap, so money shouldn't be an issue when deciding to fully immerse oneself in the Beaver.

If you're looking for an out of the way spot to spend some time, your humble blogger says Go Beaver, or Go Home!

Our awesome shirts from the Beaver Bonanza!

I even have some super sweet beaver swag I can wear to more formal occasions.

A lapel pin which I only wear on very special occasions.

I have even been known to track and hunt beaver, although admittidly, I rarely go since meeting SaltyDog.

 Obviously, I just missed some beaver.

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